Enable Periodic User Report - Email Level

Set up and send yourself a report containing an overview of your previous day's quarantined messages.

  1. In the Email Level Control Panel, select Reporting > Protection report
  2. Select Add recipient
  3. The Enable for recipient page is displayed
  4. In the Send to field, enter where you want your report to be sent
  5. From the Report Frequency dropdown, select Daily or Weekly
  6. Select the Language you want the report to be in
  7. For the report Format select either HTML or PDF
  8. Select the Include extra spam table option if you want to add a table of messages that were rejected but not quarantined to the report
  9. This table is for informational purposes only, no action can be taken against a message that has already been rejected but not quarantined.

  10. Click on Enable to activate the report and close the dialog
  11. The report is added to the table:

    Using the dropdown to the left of the report, you can choose to Edit, Disable or Remove the report.